Showing 25–31 of 31 results
Glasses for the dentist and nurse to be worn when laser is in use.
Price includes additional £3 charge for special delivery.
Available in either 810nm or Dual 810-1064nm.
Product Code: QWPGLASS
Connect to the laser and footswitch for additional safety, to stop the laser from lasing if the surgery door is opened.
Product Code: QWLOCK
The complete accessories kit, with fibre stripper, ruby cleaver, hand piece, 25 disposable tips, laser warning sign, cloth and laser procedures DVD.
Product Code: QWLACC
The complete prism kit, with laser therapy and laser whitening prisms. Attachments placed on the laser hand piece to enhance the whitening process in-surgery and to relieve TMJ.
Product Code: QWLPRISMS
A clever attachment placed on the laser handpiece to enhance the whitening process in-surgery. This 35mm prism is specially designed and calculated to deliver optimum laser power to release the ETC’s in the whitening gel.
Product Code: QWLWHITE
Specially designed optic prism to transfer laser energy to the 7mm tip of the prism for therapy Biostimulation or tooth whitening. The prism is simply attached to the laser handpiece.
Product Code: QWLBIOSTIM
Specially designed optic prism to transfer laser energy to the 14mm tip of the prism to manage TMJ and Biostimulation. The prism is simply attached to the laser handpiece.
Product Code: QWLTHERAPY